“Dynamic luminance correction for colored surfaces” by Hashimoto and Watanabe

  • ©Naoki Hashimoto and Akio Watanabe




    Dynamic luminance correction for colored surfaces



    Recently, large surrounding displays are widely used for providing immersive virtual environments. Latest trends of the projection system are using our accessible rooms as a surrounding screen, because the traditional special display like a CAVE is quite large and difficult for its maintenance. Therefore, precise correction techniques for projecting images on the walls surrounding us in our daily life are strongly required. Many geometrical and luminance correction techniques were proposed for improving the quality of projected images on the walls. However, those methods have to previously measure the 3-D shapes and reflecting properties of the target walls precisely. And also, simple assumption leads to the degradation of correction quality[Fujii et al. 2005]. This complex limitation is the bottle neck of the widespread use of the immersive projection techniques using the walls.


    1. Fujii, K., Grossberg, M. D., and Nayar, S. K. 2005. A projector-camera system with real-time photometric adaptation for dynamic environments. CVPR ’05, 1180.
    2. Majumder, A., and Gopi, M. 2005. Modeling color properties of tiled displays. Computer Graphics Forum 24, 149–163.

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