“Directionality-Aware Rectilinear Texture Warped Shadow Maps” by Tokuyoshi, Silva and Kanai

  • ©Yusuke Tokuyoshi, Tiago da Silva, and Takashi Kanai

  • ©Yusuke Tokuyoshi, Tiago da Silva, and Takashi Kanai



Entry Number: 37


    Directionality-Aware Rectilinear Texture Warped Shadow Maps



    Rectilinear texture warped shadow mapping (RTWSM) [Rosen 2012] is a fast and adaptive technique. This technique controls the scene sampling rate via image warping according to a view-dependent importance map (IM). For RTWSMs, one issue is the impact of rotating the light’s image plane. Since this plane is only warped with respect to its vertical and horizontal axes, the sampling rate depends on the angle of these axes. This poster proposes a fast technique to estimate an appropriate rotation matrix for RTWSMs by using principal component analysis (PCA) of the IM. Using this rotation, RTWSMs are able to perform more adaptively with small overhead.


    1. Olano, M., and Baker, D. 2010. LEAN mapping. In Proc. I3D’10, 181–188.
    2. Rosen, P. 2012. Rectilinear texture warping for fast adaptive shadow mapping. In Proc. I3D’12, 151–158.


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