“A single-shot light probe” by Debevec, Graham, Busch and Bolas

  • ©Paul E. Debevec, Paul Graham, Jay Busch, and Mark T. Bolas




    A single-shot light probe



    We demonstrate a novel light probe which can estimate the full dynamic range of a scene with multiple bright light sources. It places diffuse strips between mirrored spherical quadrants, effectively co-locating diffuse and mirrored probes to record the full dynamic range of illumination in a single exposure. From this image, we estimate the intensity of multiple saturated light sources by solving a linear system.


    1. Debevec, P. 1998. Rendering synthetic objects into real scenes. In Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 98.
    2. Reinhard, E., Heidrich, W., Pattanaik, S., and Debevec, P. 2005. Image-based lighting. In High Dynamic Range Imaging. Morgan Kauffman, ch. 9, 396–401.

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