“MIBlob: A Tool for Medical Visualization and Modelling using Sketches” by Araújo, Jorge, Sousa, Samavati and Wyvill

  • ©Bruno de Araújo, Joaquim A. Jorge, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, and Brian Wyvill

  • ©Bruno de Araújo, Joaquim A. Jorge, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, and Brian Wyvill



Entry Number: 107


    MIBlob: A Tool for Medical Visualization and Modelling using Sketches



    The MIBlob application is designed to support the visualization of medical images (X-rays, MRI). The aim of the system is to provide a simple interface to allow manual 3D reconstruction from the 2D data presented in the image in order to help users to explain concepts to clinical staff such as medical students or even other doctor colleagues. Our system aims not to be an automatic tool but rather provides interactive assistance. Modelling tasks are accessible through a calligraphic interface without requiring specific design or modeler skills since shapes are inflated from freehand contours.
    We present an application that combines modelling ability with advanced visualization techniques based on non-photo realistic rendering (NPR). The rendering options are based on [Sousa et al. 2004] which are both more adequate than traditional Gouraud shading for the understanding of shape’s curvature and more similar to traditional techniques used in medical illustration. However, Gouraud-based rendering is still possible, allowing the user to apply color to 3D objects. In both rendering modes, it is possible to control lighting characteristics taking advantage of all conventional models such as spotlight, directional and point light primitives.


    1. DE Araújo, B., and Jorge, J. 2003. Blobmaker: Free-form modelling with variational implicit surfaces. In Proc. of 12 EPCG, 335–342. http://virtual.inesc.pt/12epcg/papers/03.html.
    2. Sousa, M., Samavati, F., and Brunn, M. 2004. Depicting shape features with directional strokes and spotlighting. In Proc. of ComputerGraphics International ’04, (to appear). http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/ mario/CGI04/Sousa-ID53-final.pdf.


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