“SmartSink: Context-Aware Work Surface” by Bonanni, Lee, Sarcia and Wetzel

  • ©Leonardo Bonanni, Chia-Hsun Jackie Lee, Sam Sarcia, and Jon Wetzel



Entry Number: 071


    SmartSink: Context-Aware Work Surface



    We have become accustomed to a digital desktop that is customizable and anticipates our needs. What if our physical work surfaces could interact with us in the same way? We have recently completed a working prototype of a work surface that automatically adjusts to individual users and anticipates their needs. The work surface is a large sink and counter suitable for installation in multi-user environments where hygiene and ergonomics are important, such as hospitals and commercial or residential kitchens. Vision-based sensing allows the fixture to adjust to your height automatically, to choose when to dispense water and to adjust the temperature of the water based on your needs. The water and work surfaces act as graphical interfaces to inform the user of the sink’s status. The work surface is made from soft, strong materials that absorb noise and minimize breakage of delicate objects. As a context-aware appliance, SmartSink allows the user to remain concentrated on the task at hand, only offering information in an informative, unobtrusive manner.


    1. Lee, Chia-Hsun and Bonanni, Leonardo. The Kitchen as a Graphical User Inteface. Accepted to ArtPapers at Siggraph 2004.
    2. Arroyo, E. Bonanni, L. Selker, T. Waterbot: A Persuasive Technology to Motivate Water Conservation. Submitted to Papers at UIST 2004.


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