“Anaglyph Decomposition using Disparity map” by Cho, Lee and Joo

  • ©Yong-Hun Cho, In-Kwon Lee, and Young-Bae Joo

  • ©Yong-Hun Cho, In-Kwon Lee, and Young-Bae Joo



Entry Number: 21


    Anaglyph Decomposition using Disparity map



    Anaglyphs are the most primitive way of representing stereoscopic images. As one of the first attempts to produce 3D images, its viewing experience is not as satisfying as later methods but it is still widely used because of its simplicity and compactness. An anaglyph image is created by simply superimposing the red channel of the left image with blue and green channels of the right image. If an anaglyph image can be decomposed into its original left and right images, it can be used for compression as well as for conversion to other, more recent 3D viewing methods.


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    This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2012-0008768).


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