“Pre-Integrated Deferred Subsurface Scattering” by Chen, Lambert and Penner

  • ©Xi M. Chen, Timothy Lambert, and Eric Penner

  • ©Xi M. Chen, Timothy Lambert, and Eric Penner

  • ©Xi M. Chen, Timothy Lambert, and Eric Penner



Entry Number: 77


    Pre-Integrated Deferred Subsurface Scattering



    For translucent materials such as human skin, milk and marble, light does not just bounce off the surface, but also penetrates the surface and scatters beneath. This is called subsurface scattering. [d’Eon and Luebke 2007]’s real-time texture-space diffusion method achieved high visual quality but not high performance or scalability. Screen-space subsurface scattering techniques [Jimenez and Gutierrez 2010] are more scalable but use a lot of memory, are expensive, and produce halo artifacts. We propose a scalable method called pre-integrated deferred subsurface scattering (PDSS) which adapts the forward-rendering pre-integrated skin scattering method [Penner and Borshukov 2011] (PSS) to screen space.


    1. d’Eon, E., and Luebke, D. 2007. GPU Gems 3. ch. Advanced techniques for realistic real-time skin rendering.
    2. Jimenez, J., and Gutierrez, D. 2010. GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques. AK Peters Ltd., ch. Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering, 335–351.
    3. Penner, E., and Borshukov, G. 2011. GPU Pro 2: Advanced Rendering Techniques. AK Peters Ltd., ch. Pre-Integrated Skin Shading, 41–55.
    4. Vergne, R., Pacanowski, R., Barla, P., Granier, X., and Schlick, C. 2009. Light warping for enhanced surface depiction. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, ACM, New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH ’09, 25:1–25:8.


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