“A 3D Animation and Effects Framework for Mobile Devices” by Patel, Vinnakota, Deb and Rao

  • ©Vipin Patel, GBCS Tejaswi Vinnakota, Soumyajit Deb, and Manjunatha R. Rao



Entry Number: 03


    A 3D Animation and Effects Framework for Mobile Devices



    Of Late, mobile devices with OpenGL ES compliant graphics processors have become all pervasive. However popular platforms like Android do not support any form of power efficient 3D content loading, animation or 3D interaction even though the entire user interface system runs OpenGL ES under the hood. In this work, we present a light weight, power efficient rendering pipeline for enabling new innovative use cases of 3D data by allowing art directed animation and effects created by an artist/UI designer. We utilize the open spec Collada format to seamlessly incorporate 3D geometry into user interface elements, skeletal animated visualizations and interesting lock screen effects in a lightweight manner.


    1. Mochowski B, Lahiri K, Power analysis of mobile 3D graphics in DAC ’06: Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Conference 
    2. Mochowski B, Lahiri K, Signature based workload estimation for mobile 3d graphics In DAC ’06 Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Conference Unity Game Engine — http://unity3d.com 


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