“Robots, Cyborgs, and the Final Frontier: An Inside Look at “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, “Terminator Salvation”, and “Star Trek”” by Chu, Rebours, Guyett, Koch, Goodson, et al. …

  • ©Marc Chu, Philippe Rebours, Roger Guyett, Hilmar Koch, John Goodson, Jeff White, Scott Benza, and Jason RM Smith




    Robots, Cyborgs, and the Final Frontier: An Inside Look at “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, “Terminator Salvation”, and “Star Trek”


Project Affiliation:

    Industrial Light & Magic


    Industrial Light & Magic sheds light on the visual effects in the next chapter of the Transformers series and looks at the latest installments of two legendary franchises.

Additional Information:


    Marc Chu

    Philippe Rebours

    Star Trek:

    Roger Guyett

    Hilmar Koch

    John Goodson

    Transformers 2:

    Jeff White

    Scott Benza

    Jason Smith

Overview Page: