“Group-Based Animation and Higher Education” by Curtis, Mones-Hattal, Hunt and McKee

  • ©Cassidy J. Curtis, Barbara Mones, David Hunt, and Cristin McKee

  • ©Cassidy J. Curtis, Barbara Mones, David Hunt, and Cristin McKee

  • ©Cassidy J. Curtis, Barbara Mones, David Hunt, and Cristin McKee




    Group-Based Animation and Higher Education




    Group-based animation classes are scattered throughout college course catalogues worldwide. These courses promise to provide undergraduates with valuable, “real,” interdisciplinary production experience through their use of industry models of production, and yet, there has been very little public discussion about this approach to educating future animators. The goal of this panel is to engage in such a conversation with members of the SIGGRAPH community. The panel is comprised of educators, students, and industry professionals who will share their experiences gleaned from collaborative animation courses and debate various strategies for teaching them successfully.


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