“Mimicry: Genetic-Algorithm-Based Real-Time System of Virtual Insects in a Living Environment – A New and Altered Nature” by Wu and Huang

  • ©Ziwei Wu and Lingdong Huang




    Mimicry: Genetic-Algorithm-Based Real-Time System of Virtual Insects in a Living Environment - A New and Altered Nature



    The authors have collaborated on a machine learning multiscreen video installation powered by computer algorithms and inspired by mimicry in the natural world. The artwork explores a pseudo-environment loop system in nature and artificial mechanical organisms combining living flowers with projectors, webcams, and computer monitors. Technically, the software adopts a genetic algorithm to simulate the process of mimicry; conceptually, this real-time art installation is in conversation with Nam June Paik’s piece TV Garden. The project explores the possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence and nature in the landscape of the future.


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