Thierry Chaminade

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University College London


  • SIGGRAPH 2007

    Thierry Chaminade received his Ph.D. in neuropsychology at the University Louis Lumières Lyon 2, France in 2003. His thesis work investigated the neurophysiology of action observation and imitation using human neuroimaging techniques performed in the INSERM Unit 280, Lyon, France and the University of Washington’s Institute for Mind, Brain and Learning, Seattle, USA. In 2004, he was a visiting researcher at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan, where he started investigating social interactions with artificial agents. He is now a post-doctoral fellow at the Functional Imaging Laboratory at University College London, UK continuing his research in the domains of the understanding of the behavioral and neuronal bases of interactions with real and artificial agents.

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