“Collaborative Animation Production from Students’ Perspective” by Barbieri, Hutchens and Harrison

  • ©Buck Barbieri, Naomi Hutchens, and Kayleigh Harrison

  • ©Buck Barbieri, Naomi Hutchens, and Kayleigh Harrison

  • ©Buck Barbieri, Naomi Hutchens, and Kayleigh Harrison



Entry Number: 52


    Collaborative Animation Production from Students' Perspective



    Massive Collaborative Animation Projects (MCAP) was founded in 2016 by Dr. William Joel (Western Connecticut State University) to test students’ collaborative abilities and provide experience that will allow them to grow professionally and academically. The MCAP 1 production is a children’s ghost story designed to test the massive collaborative structure. The goal of MCAP 2 is to create an animation for use in planetariums worldwide. Currently, there are nearly one hundred student contributors from universities in Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Japan, Michigan, South Korea, and Taiwan.


    • Tony Alley, Gary Bertoline, Gitta Domik, Lew Hitchner, and Cary Laxer. 2006. Computer Graphics Knowledge Base Report. http://education.siggraph.hosting.acm.org/resources/knowledgebase/report 
    • Miho Aoki, Bongsung A. Bac, Colleen Case, and Neal McDonald. 2005. We are too small to do that: challenges and opportunities of computer graphics education in small art departments. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Educators Program. ACM, New York, NY, USA.


Additional Images:

©Buck Barbieri, Naomi Hutchens, and Kayleigh Harrison


    We would like to thank Dr. William Joel, Miho Aoki, Johannes DeYoung, Jacob Pollak, Dr. Wei-Chung Chang, Claudia Davis, Rebecca Yuqi Huang, Agnes Lawson, Philip Glowa, and all participating faculty members and students of MCAP.


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