“An Introduction to Shader-Based OpenGL Programming” by Angel and Shreiner

  • ©Edward Angel and Dave Shreiner



Entry Number: 08


    An Introduction to Shader-Based OpenGL Programming



    OpenGL is the most widely available application programming interface (API) for creating applications in almost every area of computer graphics including research, scientific visualization, entertainment and visual effects, computer-aided design, interactive gaming, and many more. Over the past decade, OpenGL has evolved to a large API with multiple, sometimes incompatible, versions. Recent versions of OpenGL have become shader-based, and the original fixed-function pipeline may not be available. This course provides an accelerated introduction to creating applications using these recent versions of OpenGL API. It introduces the most recent version of OpenGL, in which an application must provide vertex and fragment shaders and cannot rely on a fixed-function pipeline. Consequently, this course is a complete rewrite of the OpenGL course that has been taught at the annual SIGGRAPH conference for over 10 years.

    Level: Introductory

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