“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Bailey and Glassner

  • ©Andrew Glassner



Entry Number: 03


    Introduction to Computer Graphics



    General knowledge of computers. A small amount of math.

    Intended Audience
    First-time SIGGRAPH attendees. Anyone who is new to computer graphics and interactive techniques.

    The SIGGRAPH conference is an exciting event, but it is often an intimidating experience for first-time attendees. There are so many new terms, new concepts, and new products to understand. And all the simultaneous programs leave new attendees baffled and frustrated about how to spend their time.

    This course is designed to ease newcomers into the SIGGRAPH conference experience by presenting the fundamental ideas and vocabulary at a level that can be readily understood. Far from dry facts, this course summarizes the fun and excitement that led most of us here in the first place. Attendees learn to understand, appreciate, enjoy, and learn from the rest of the SIGGRAPH 2004 events.


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