“3D Computer Animation Workshop” by O’Rourke

  • ©Michael J. O'Rourke



Entry Number: 26


    3D Computer Animation Workshop

Course Organizer(s):



    This course is a beginning level hands-on workshop whose objective is to introduce participants to the principles and practice of high end 3D computer animation. This goal is accomplished in the course through a combination of lecture presentations and hands on experience with one of today’s major high end 3D software packages. Beginning with simple modeling, rendering and keyframing participants progress through more complex techniques including texture mapping path animation, hierarchical animation inverse kinematics and envelope surfaces. Participants learn both the underlying principles that are shared by all 3D computer animation software packages as well as how these principles are implemented on one of today’s important software packages.

    The course is divided into four parts with each part consisting of a brief lecture presentation on the principles of 3D animation, a brief demonstration of how these principles are implemented on the software package used by the Workshop and an extended exercise in which participants work with this software to develop a short animation utilizing those principles.

    The written Notes for this course printed here follow the structure of the course itself – that is four parts with each part consisting of a brief lecture and an extended exercise. The exercises are in the form of command by command tutorials for Softimage v3 7 which is the software package used in the Workshop.

    In the lecture portion of these Notes the text was adapted from the author’s book Principles of Three Dimensional Computer Animation (WW Norton 1995 239 pages 296 Illustrations ISBN 0 393 70202 2 $48 00 USA) The illustrations for these Notes were taken directly from the same book. Please note that the illustrations retain the original numbering as they appear in that book and are therefore not sequential as they appear here in these Notes. Readers interested in a much more detailed explanation of the principles presented here as well as many other principles of three dimensional computer animation may find it useful to refer to the book Principles of Three Dimensional Computer Animation mentioned above from which all this material is derived.   


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: