“Liquid Simulation on Lattice-Based Tetrahedral Meshes” by University of California, Berkeley

  • ©  University of California, Berkeley


SIGGRAPH Video Review:




    Liquid Simulation on Lattice-Based Tetrahedral Meshes

Company / Institution / Agency:

  • University of California, Berkeley


    This video shows results using a simulation method for animating the behavior of incompress-ible liquids with complex free surfaces. The region occupied by the liquid is discretized with a boundary-conforming tetrahedral mesh that grades from fine resolution near the surface to coarser resolution on the interior. At each time-step, semi-Lagrangian techniques are used to advect the fluid and its boundary forward, and a new conforming mesh is then constructed over the fluid-occupied region. The tetrahedral meshes are built using a variation of the body-cen-tered cubic lattice structure that allows octree grading and deviation from the lattice-structure at boundaries. The semi-regular mesh structure can be generated rapidly and allows efficient computation and storage while still conforming well to boundaries and providing a mesh-quality guarantee. Pressure projection is performed using an algebraic multigrid method, and a thick-ening scheme is used to reduce volume loss when fluid features shrink below mesh resolution. Examples are provided to demonstrate that the resulting method can capture complex liquid motions that include fine detail on the free surfaces without suffering from excessive amounts of volume loss or artificial damping.


    Pentium IV, 2GB RAM


    in-house liquid simulator, Pixie Renderer

Additional Contributors:

    Contributors: Nuttapong Chentanez, Bryan E. Feldman, François Labelle, James F. O’Brien, Jonathan R. Shewchuk

    Music: Bjorn Lynne

Animation / Video Overview:
