Issue 144: SIGGRAPH 2003 Electronic Theater Program

  • ©144, SIGGRAPH 2003 Electronic Theater Program
  • ©144, SIGGRAPH 2003 Electronic Theater Program

SVR Issue No:  144

SVR Issue Title:  SIGGRAPH 2003 Electronic Theater Program

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 2003

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 144: SIGGRAPH 2003 Electronic Theater Program
    1. Respire – Jerome Combe
    2. Dawn – NVIDIA
    3. The Boxer: Round 1- Tuba Animation Studio
    4. Molecular Visualizations of DNA – The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
    5. Mickey’s Buddy – Ringling School of Art and Design
    6. After You – Ringling School of Art and Design
    7. Chainsmoker – Lost Liner Productions
    8. The Boxer: Round 2 – Tuba Animation Studio
    9. WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos – Blizzard Entertainment
    10. GDF “Dolce Vita” – la maison
    11. Exigo – Black Hole Entertainment / Digic Pictures
    12. Bjork “Nature is Ancient” – Glassworks
    13. The Boxer: Round 3 – Tuba Animation Studio
    14. The Dog Who Was A Cat Inside – Passion Pictures
    15. Eat Your Peas – Ringling School of Art and Design
    16. Show & Tell – Kapow Pictures
    17. Poor Bogo – Ringling School of Art and Design
    18. Polar Bears ìGary’s Fallî – Passion Pictures
    19. Tim Tom – One Plus One / Supinfocom
    20. Eternal Gaze – Sam Chen

    Special Features
    21. SIGGRAPH 2003 Papers Review – Carnegie Mellon University, MERL
    22. Cambridge Research, DreamWorks
    23. Computer Animation Festival Trailer – Digital Domain
    24. Directorís Commentary for “Eternal Gaze” – Sam Chen
    25. 2002 Academy Award Winner for Best Animated Short “The ChubbChubbs!” – Sony Pictures Imageworks

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