“Stuffed toys alive!: cuddly robots from fantasy world” by Yamashita, Ishikawa, Mitake, Takase, Kato, et al. …

  • ©Yohei Yamashita, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Hironori Mitake, Yutaka Takase, Fumihiro Kato, Ikumi Susa, Shoichi Hasegawa, and Makoto Sato




    Stuffed toys alive!: cuddly robots from fantasy world



    Stuffed toys live with all ages and hold them in some physical and mental aspects. With the soft feel and cute characters, stuffed toys play with them, sleep together and listen to their complaints. These roles of stuffed toys show that people imagine stuffed toys are inter-active creature. Indeed, there are many stories and movies in which stuffed toys work as living characters. However, stuffed toys in real world are just dolls and they cannot move and react.


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