“An efficient radiosity solution for bump texture generation” by Chen and Wu

  • ©Hong Chen and En-hua Wu




    An efficient radiosity solution for bump texture generation

Session/Category Title:   Radiosity




    The development of global illumination and texture generation makes it possible to produce the most realistic images. However, it is still difficult or deficient so far to simulate bump texture effects while the interreflection of light being modeled by the present ray tracing or radiosity methods. A method of bump texture generation, being incorporated into the process of radiosity solution, is presented in the paper. The method is characterized by introduction of a perturbed radiosity map, established in the context of either progressive radiosity or standard radiosity solution. To calculate the perturbed radiosity, a concept of perturbed form-factors is proposed, and the algorithms for evaluating the perturbed form-factors are also given. As a result, a bilinear-interpolation shading scheme for perturbed surfaces is provided, and the texturing method is easily added to a newly improved solution of progressive refinement radiosity for non-diffuse environment.


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