“Smooth interpolation of orientations with angular velocity constraints using quaternions” by Barr, Currin, Gabriel and Hughes

  • ©Alan H. Barr, Bena Currin, Steven Gabriel, and John F. Hughes




    Smooth interpolation of orientations with angular velocity constraints using quaternions



    No abstract available.


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    3. W. R. Hamilton. Lectures on Quaternions. Hodges and Smith, Dublin, 1853.
    4. D. Kochanek and R. Bartels. Interpolating splines with local tension, continuity, and bias control. Computer Graphics, 18(3):33-41, July 1984.
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    11. M. Spivak. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry. Publish or Perish, Inc., Boston, 1970.
    12. D. Zwillinger. Handbook of Differential Equations. Academic Press, San” Diego, 1989.

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