“Digital bas-relief from 3D scenes” by Weyrich, Deng, Barnes, Rusinkiewicz and Finkelstein

  • ©Tim Weyrich, Jia Deng, Connelly Barnes, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and Adam Finkelstein




    Digital bas-relief from 3D scenes



    We present a system for semi-automatic creation of bas-relief sculpture. As an artistic medium, relief spans the continuum between 2D drawing or painting and full 3D sculpture. Bas-relief (or low relief) presents the unique challenge of squeezing shapes into a nearly-flat surface while maintaining as much as possible the perception of the full 3D scene. Our solution to this problem adapts methods from the tone-mapping literature, which addresses the similar problem of squeezing a high dynamic range image into the (low) dynamic range available on typical display devices. However, the bas-relief medium imposes its own unique set of requirements, such as maintaining small, fixed-size depth discontinuities. Given a 3D model, camera, and a few parameters describing the relative attenuation of different frequencies in the shape, our system creates a relief that gives the illusion of the 3D shape from a given vantage point while conforming to a greatly compressed height.


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