“Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete Voronoi diagrams” by Sud, Govindaraju, Gayle, Kabul and Manocha

  • ©Avneesh Sud, Naga Govindaraju, Russell Gayle, Ilknur Kabul, and Dinesh Manocha




    Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete Voronoi diagrams



    We present novel algorithms to perform collision and distance queries among multiple deformable models in dynamic environments. These include inter-object queries between different objects as well as intra-object queries. We describe a unified approach to compute these queries based on N-body distance computation and use properties of the 2nd order discrete Voronoi diagram to perform N-body culling. Our algorithms involve no preprocessing and also work well on models with changing topologies. We can perform all proximity queries among complex deformable models consisting of thousands of triangles in a fraction of a second on a high-end PC. Moreover, our Voronoi-based culling algorithm can improve the performance of separation distance and penetration queries by an order of magnitude.


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