“Parsing sewing patterns into 3D garments” by Berthouzoz, Garg, Kaufman, Grinspun and Agrawala

  • ©Floraine Berthouzoz, Akash Garg, Danny M. Kaufman, Eitan Grinspun, and Maneesh Agrawala




    Parsing sewing patterns into 3D garments

Session/Category Title:   Design & Authoring




    We present techniques for automatically parsing existing sewing patterns and converting them into 3D garment models. Our parser takes a sewing pattern in PDF format as input and starts by extracting the set of panels and styling elements (e.g. darts, pleats and hemlines) contained in the pattern. It then applies a combination of machine learning and integer programming to infer how the panels must be stitched together to form the garment. Our system includes an interactive garment simulator that takes the parsed result and generates the corresponding 3D model. Our fully automatic approach correctly parses 68% of the sewing patterns in our collection. Most of the remaining patterns contain only a few errors that can be quickly corrected within the garment simulator. Finally we present two applications that take advantage of our collection of parsed sewing patterns. Our garment hybrids application lets users smoothly interpolate multiple garments in the 2D space of patterns. Our sketch-based search application allows users to navigate the pattern collection by drawing the shape of panels.


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