“Filament-based smoke with vortex shedding and variational reconnection” by Weißmann and Pinkall

  • ©Steffen Weißmann and Ulrich Pinkall




    Filament-based smoke with vortex shedding and variational reconnection



    Simulating fluids based on vortex filaments is highly attractive for the creation of special effects because it gives artists full control over the simulation using familiar tools like curve editors or the scripted generation of new vortex filaments over time. Because filaments offer a very compact description of fluid flow, real time applications like games or virtual reality are also possible.We present a complete model that includes moving obstacles with vortex shedding, all represented as filaments. Due to variational reconnection the long-time behavior of our method is excellent: Energy and momentum stay constant within reasonable bounds and computational complexity does not increase over time.


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