“A colour display unit for a 21-channel EEG-monitor” by Paternoster, Bousse and Steenhaut

  • ©R. H. Paternoster, L. J. Bousse, and O. L. Steenhaut




    A colour display unit for a 21-channel EEG-monitor



    A system for the simultaneous display of several functions of one or two variables has been developed. One-variable functions are represented by their graphs, while two-variable functions are displayed by means of contour maps, with a light intensity proportional to the displayed value. By assigning a fixed colour to each contour map, it is possible to superimpose different maps without losing charity. The display unit is connected with a microprocessor system, which allows the real-time calculation and display of time-changing functions. The primary application of the system is the representation of the distribution of the spectral contents of EEG (electro-encephalographic) signals on the surface of the head.


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    2. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol. 10 : 372, 1958.
    3. J. TIBERGHIEN, L.J. BOUSSE, M.J. GOOSSENS, R.H. PATERNOSTER, A. VAN EYNDONCK and E.M. VAN OOST : A multi-microprocessor system with 2 shared buses. 1ste European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Toulouse, France, February 79.
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    8. S. WARD : Real time plotting of approximate contour maps. Comm. ACM, sept. 78, vol 21, no. 9, pp 788 – 790.

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