“A material point method for thin shells with frictional contact” by Guo, Han, Fu, Gast, Tamstorf, et al. …

  • ©Qi Guo, Xuchen Han, Chuyuan Fu, Theodore Gast, Rasmus Tamstorf, and Joseph Teran



Entry Number: 147


    A material point method for thin shells with frictional contact

Session/Category Title:   Disorder Matter: From Shells to Rods and Grains




    We present a novel method for simulation of thin shells with frictional contact using a combination of the Material Point Method (MPM) and subdivision finite elements. The shell kinematics are assumed to follow a continuum shell model which is decomposed into a Kirchhoff-Love motion that rotates the mid-surface normals followed by shearing and compression/extension of the material along the mid-surface normal. We use this decomposition to design an elastoplastic constitutive model to resolve frictional contact by decoupling resistance to contact and shearing from the bending resistance components of stress. We show that by resolving frictional contact with a continuum approach, our hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian approach is capable of simulating challenging shell contact scenarios with hundreds of thousands to millions of degrees of freedom. Without the need for collision detection or resolution, our method runs in a few minutes per frame in these high resolution examples. Furthermore we show that our technique naturally couples with other traditional MPM methods for simulating granular and related materials.


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