“Silly rubber: an implicit material point method for simulating non-equilibrated viscoelastic and elastoplastic solids” by Fang, Li, Gao and Jiang

  • ©Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Ming Gao, and Chenfanfu Jiang




    Silly rubber: an implicit material point method for simulating non-equilibrated viscoelastic and elastoplastic solids

Session/Category Title:   MPM and Collision



    Simulating viscoelastic polymers and polymeric fluids requires a robust and accurate capture of elasticity and viscosity. The computation is known to become very challenging under large deformations and high viscosity. Drawing inspirations from return mapping based elastoplasticity treatment for granular materials, we present a finite strain integration scheme for general viscoelastic solids under arbitrarily large deformation and non-equilibrated flow. Our scheme is based on a predictor-corrector exponential mapping scheme on the principal strains from the deformation gradient, which closely resembles the conventional treatment for elastoplasticity and allows straightforward implementation into any existing constitutive models. We develop a new Material Point Method that is fully implicit on both elasticity and inelasticity using augmented Lagrangian optimization with various preconditioning strategies for highly efficient time integration. Our method not only handles viscoelasticity but also supports existing elastoplastic models including Drucker-Prager and von-Mises in a unified manner. We demonstrate the efficacy of our framework on various examples showing intricate and characteristic inelastic dynamics with competitive performance.


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