“Fractional gaussian fields for modeling and rendering of spatially-correlated media” by Guo, Chen, Hu, Yan, Guo, et al. …

  • ©Jie Guo, Yanjun Chen, Bingyang Hu, Ling-Qi Yan, Yanwen Guo, and Yuntao Liu




    Fractional gaussian fields for modeling and rendering of spatially-correlated media

Session/Category Title:   Advanced Volume Rendering



    Transmission of radiation through spatially-correlated media has demonstrated deviations from the classical exponential law of the corresponding uncorrelated media. In this paper, we propose a general, physically-based method for modeling such correlated media with non-exponential decay of transmittance. We describe spatial correlations by introducing the Fractional Gaussian Field (FGF), a powerful mathematical tool that has proven useful in many areas but remains under-explored in graphics. With the FGF, we study the effects of correlations in a unified manner, by modeling both high-frequency, noise-like fluctuations and k-th order fractional Brownian motion (fBm) with a stochastic continuity property. As a result, we are able to reproduce a wide variety of appearances stemming from different types of spatial correlations. Compared to previous work, our method is the first that addresses both short-range and long-range correlations using physically-based fluctuation models. We show that our method can simulate different extents of randomness in spatially-correlated media, resulting in a smooth transition in a range of appearances from exponential falloff to complete transparency. We further demonstrate how our method can be integrated into an energy-conserving RTE framework with a well-designed importance sampling scheme and validate its ability compared to the classical transport theory and previous work.


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