“X3D Content Examples, Editing, Conformance Suite, and Software Development Kit (SDK) CDs” by Brutzman, Kass and Polys

  • ©Don Brutzman, Michael Kass, and Nicholas Polys



Interest Area:

    Web Technology


    X3D Content Examples, Editing, Conformance Suite, and Software Development Kit (SDK) CDs

Session/Category Title:   Architectures



    Extensible 3D (X3D) graphics is the XML version of the next-generation VRML 200x specification. X3D-Edit is a free graphics file editor for X3D that enables simple error-free editing, authoring, and validation of X3D or VRML scene- graph files. In this sketch, we show how X3D-Edit has been used to create hundreds of example scenes, including all examples from the VRML 2.0 Sourcebook. We also show how to install and use X3D-Edit. Validation of content before it is published is immensely powerful. Reducing content bugs and eliminating the syntax idiosyncrasies of VRML really helps! Context-sensitive tooltips for every node and attribute in a scene graph have made X3D-Edit an excellent tool for teaching beginning and intermediate 3D graphics.

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