“Space diffusion: an improved parallel halftoning technique using space-filling curves” by Zhang and Webber

  • ©Yuefeng Zhang and Robert E. Webber




    Space diffusion: an improved parallel halftoning technique using space-filling curves



    Dot diffusion has been proposed as a way of combining the strengths
    of ordered dithering and error diffusion to create a parallelizable
    halftoning technique. However, dot diffusion pays a price in image
    quality in order to achieve parallelizability. Space-filling curves
    have been used to improve error diffusion. We show that by combining dot diffusion with a space-filling curve traversal technique,
    a parallelizable halftoning technique results that does not pay a cost
    in image quality. This new technique we call space diffusion.
    KEYWORDS: Space-filling curves, dot diffusion, error diffusion,
    ordered dithering, digital halftoning, parallel algorithms.


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