“Remote programmability of graphic interactions in a host/satellite configuration” by Moulton and Corman

  • ©Samuel D. Moulton and Philip J. Corman




    Remote programmability of graphic interactions in a host/satellite configuration



    This paper describes the remote programmability of graphic-oriented interactions in a large, time-shared host/multiple-satellite configuration. The philosophy and architecture of a pseudo machine — the Programmable Graphics Processor (PGP) — is presented along with a description of the higher-level language used in the host to specify programs for execution in the satellite. These programs are first compiled into PGP machine language in the host and then transmitted to the satellite where they are executed in response to asynchronous interrupts (attentions) originating from various types of interactive graphic input devices. In this manner, fairly complex and tailored interactions such as multiple line rubberbanding and limited area tracking are specified conveniently by applications programs in the host computer.


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