“PlaceWorld: An Integration of Shared Virtual Worlds” by Cook and Pettifer

  • ©Jon Cook and Stephen Pettifer



Interest Area:

    Virtual Reality


    PlaceWorld: An Integration of Shared Virtual Worlds

Session/Category Title:   Virtual Landscapes



    PlaceWorld is the result of collaboration between artists, social and computer scientists undertaken as part of the eSCAPE Project (ESPRIT 25377, 1997-2000), the aim of which was to inform the development of future large scale shared and social virtual environments. Realized as a distributed multi-user VE capable of running over wide-area networks, PlaceWorld has three goals: first, to act as a coherent metaphor for browsing and experiencing disparate electronic art installations and virtual artefacts; second, to be an evolving social environment in its own right; and third, to provide a persistent software architecture in which non-trivial virtual artifacts may be dynamically created and integrated.


    1. Dugeuet, A.M. et al. (1997). Jeffrey Shaw – a user’s manual. Cantz Verglag, 1997.
    2. Hubbold, R. et al. (1999). GNU/MAVERIK: a micro-kernel for large-scale virtual environments. In Proceedings VRST’99.
    3. Pettifer, S. et al. (2000) DEVA3: architecture for a large scale virtual reality system. In Proceedings VRST ‘00.

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