“Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Capturing the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”” by Helman, Weaver, Harrington, Koperwas and Bhat

  • ©Pablo Helman, Robert Weaver, Tim Harrington, Michael Koperwas, and Kiran S. Bhat




    Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Capturing the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”


Project Affiliation:

    Industrial Light & Magic


    Visual Effects Supervisor Pablo Helman and the team from ILM will discuss the art and science behind the heroic Ninja Turtles. The panelists will cover a range of topics from the development of a state-of-the-art high-resolution facial performance capture system deployed for the first time on this film to animating the dynamic action sequences and generating completely CG photorealistic environments. Along with advances in full body performance capture utilizing ILM’s patented IMOCAP system, this new technology represents the highest fidelity, dynamically editable capture ever undertaken.

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