“Image completion with structure propagation” by Sun, Yuan, Jia and Shum

  • ©Jian Sun, Lu Yuan, Jiaya Jia, and Heung-Yeung Shum




    Image completion with structure propagation



    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to image completion, which we call structure propagation. In our system, the user manually specifies important missing structure information by extending a few curves or line segments from the known to the unknown regions. Our approach synthesizes image patches along these user-specified curves in the unknown region using patches selected around the curves in the known region. Structure propagation is formulated as a global optimization problem by enforcing structure and consistency constraints. If only a single curve is specified, structure propagation is solved using Dynamic Programming. When multiple intersecting curves are specified, we adopt the Belief Propagation algorithm to find the optimal patches. After completing structure propagation, we fill in the remaining unknown regions using patch-based texture synthesis. We show that our approach works well on a number of examples that are challenging to state-of-the-art techniques.


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