“Efficient alias-free rendering using bit-masks and look-up tables” by Whitted, Westover and Abram

  • ©John Turner Whitted, Lee Westover, and Gregory D. Abram




    Efficient alias-free rendering using bit-masks and look-up tables



    We demonstrate an efficient method of rendering alias-free synthetic images using precomputed convolution integrals. The method is based on the observation that a visible polygon fragment’s contribution to an image is solely a function of its position and shape, and that within a reasonable level of accuracy, a limited number of shapes represent the majority of cases encountered in images commonly rendered.The convolution integral is precomputed for all pixels affected by the polygon fragment and is stored in a table. Completely visible fragments which are either triangular or trapezoidal produce two indices into the table. Most other fragments which are represented as differences of simple fragments. The remaining cases are characterized by a bit-mask for which each bit has a corresponding set of look up tables.The basic technique has been applied to several fundamentally different rendering algorithms. In addition, we illustrate a version of the newly introduced nonuniform sampling technique implemented in the same program, but with different table values.


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