“Configurable applications for satellite graphics” by Hamlin

  • ©Griffith (Griff) Hamlin




    Configurable applications for satellite graphics



    This paper advocates a configurable approach to software for satellite graphics in which the division of labor between the host and satellite computers can be easily changed after an application program has been written. A software system, CAGES (Configurable Applications for Graphics Employing Satellites), implements this approach. CAGES can substantially simplify the application programmer’s task of programming a host and satellite computer by making the intercomputer interface relatively invisible to him, while at the same time allowing him the efficiency and flexibility that can result from direct application programming of the satellite computer.Proper design of configurable programs is facilitated by a mathematical model defining a pairwise measure of program module inter-dependence. Experience with this model has resulted in a set of programming guidelines that further aid the application programmer in producing a suitable program structure.


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