“Color palette with enhanced psychological effect uncovered by multiprimary color display” by Kishimoto, Yamaguchi, Haneishi and Ohyama

  • ©Junko Kishimoto, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Haneishi, and Nagaaki Ohyama

  • ©Junko Kishimoto, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Hideaki Haneishi, and Nagaaki Ohyama




    Color palette with enhanced psychological effect uncovered by multiprimary color display



    While most existing display devices utilize three primary colors – red, green, and blue (RGB) – , the multiprimary color display, developed by Natural Vision project, dramatically increases the reproducible color range (color gamut) by using four or more primary colors. We demonstrated a computer graphics system using a six-primary color display, called the “IRODORI” system, at SIGGRAPH 2004 Emerging Technology [Kishimoto, 2004]. The six-primary-color display can reproduce a color gamut 1.6 times larger than that of conventional RGB systems. The color palette of the IRODORI system enables us to use many colors that have hitherto been impossible to see in color displays, such as stimulating high chroma colors, and very deep, dark colors. We have demonstrated that these new colors can be utilized in graphic expression in reproducing brilliant actual scenes, showing powerful impact, rendering rich color tone, and augmenting the reality of illuminant and gloss. However, these benefits in graphical expression have not been proved quantitatively yet. In this paper we demonstrate the psychological effects of the colors revealed by multiprimary color display through subjective experiment, and showing the example of the use in graphic application.


    1. Kishimoto. J, Yamaguchi. M, Haneishi. H, and Ohyama. O, 2004 “IRODORI – A Color-rich Palette Based on Natural Vision Technology-,” ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Emerging Technology Osgood. C.E, 1957, “The Measurement of Meaning”, ILLINOIS

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