“Authoring Compelling and Efficient VRML97 Worlds” by Story, Brown and Maxwell

  • ©David Story, Geoff Brown, and Delle Maxwell



Entry Number: 45


    Authoring Compelling and Efficient VRML97 Worlds

Course Organizer(s):



    An understanding of the fundamentals of the VRML node structure and recognition of the purpose if not the exact syntax of most VRML nodes.

    Topics Covered
    In-depth knowledge of the run-time tradeoffs that authoring decisions imply, what features of VRML97 to avoid due to ambiguities, and a new way to think about project workflow that will increase the likelihood of achieving performance goals.

    The knowledge required to make intelligent decisions about creating VRML97 content that runs efficiently on modern VRML97 browsers. The presenters explained the tradeoffs that authors need to make, present, and analyze real-world examples culled from their own development and those of their customers. Topics included measuring and predicting run-time performance, texture, and sound techniques to minimize download without sacrificing performance or looks, using navigation aids to take the burden of 3D navigation off the user, and how VRML97 browsers optimize their rendering.

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: