“Recent exact aesthetics applications” by Staudek and Machala

  • ©Tomáš Staudek and Petr Machala



Interest Area:



    Recent exact aesthetics applications

Session/Category Title:   Weather & Information Visualization



    Exact aesthetics is a challenging field of the computer-aided visual creativity, reconstructing the methods of design and criticism on an algorithmic basis and integrating a computer into processes of an artistic creation and aesthetic evaluation. The discipline involves principles of mathematics, geometry, theory of communication, perceptual psychology, computer graphics, or generative arts into classifying and assessing the aesthetic phenomena. The sketch introduces recent applications in this domain.


    1. Klinger, A., and Salingaros, N. A., 1999. A pattern measure. Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London, Pion, Ltd. URL: http://www.math.utsa.edu/sphere/salingar/-PatternMeasure.html.
    2. Machala, P., and Staudek, T., 2002. Arthur; an algorithmic system for a computer-aided generation of abstract art. Project’s URL:http://fosforos.fi.muni.cz/arthur/.
    3. Stiny, G., and Gips, J. 1978. Algorithmic Aesthetics: Computer Models for Criticism and Design in the Arts. University of California Press, Berkeley, Cal.

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