“FlowField: investigating the semantics of caress” by Chen, Fels and Schiphorst

  • ©Timothy Chen, Sidney Fels, and Thecla Schiphorst



Interest Area:



    FlowField: investigating the semantics of caress

Session/Category Title:   Touchy Feely



    We have created a new interactive experience piece called Flow-Field. Participants touch and caress a multi-point touchpad, the MTC Express, in a CAVE (CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment), directly controlling a flowing particle field. Collisions in the particle field emit musical sounds providing a new type of musical interface that uses a dynamic flow process for its underlying musical structure. The particle flow field circles around the participant in a cylindrical path. Obstructions formed by whole hand input disturb the flow field like a hand in water. The interaction has very low latency and a fast frame rate, providing a visceral, dynamic experience. In FlowField, participants explore interaction through caress, suggesting reconnection with a sense of play, and experiencing a world through touch.


    1. Fels, S., and Mase, K. 1999. Iamascope: A Graphical Musical Instrument. Computers and Graphics, 2(23), 277–286.
    2. Fels, S., Nishimoto, K., and Mase, K. 1997. MusiKalScope: A Graphical Musical Instrument. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 55–62.

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