“A Tale of Two Productions: A Christmas Carol On Stage and in Virtual Reality” by Gochfeld, Coulombe, Yeh, Lester, Meicher-Buzzi, et al. …

  • ©David Gochfeld, Alex Coulombe, Yu-Jun Yeh, Robert Lester, Zachary Meicher-Buzzi, and Robert Barry Fleming



Entry Number: 09


    A Tale of Two Productions: A Christmas Carol On Stage and in Virtual Reality



    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many theatre companies began experimenting with new technologies and ways to bring their work to audiences. As theatres have resumed in-person performances, they are exploring how these new techniques can be incorporated into their productions. Recently one leading regional theatre company produced two versions of A Christmas Carol in parallel – one presented on stage, and the other entirely in virtual reality. They used virtual production tools including real-time motion capture, virtual humans, game engine rendering, and a new platform for multi-user VR experiences. We discuss the process, challenges, and creative decisions behind these shows, with an eye towards informing future theatrical productions.


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