“Adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame rates during visualization of complex virtual environments” by Funkhouser and Séquin

  • ©Thomas (Tom) A. Funkhouser and Carlo H. Séquin




    Adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame rates during visualization of complex virtual environments



    We describe an adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame
    rates during visualization of very complex virtual environments.
    The algorithm relies upon a hierarchical model representation in
    which objects are described at multiple levels of detail and can
    be drawn with various rendering algorithms. The idea behind the
    algorithm is to adjust image quality adaptively to maintain a uniform, user-specified target frame rate. We perform a constrained
    optimization to choose a level of detail and rendering algorithm for
    each potentially visible object in order to generate the “best” image
    possible within the target frame time. Tests show that the algorithm
    generates more uniform frame rates than other previously described
    detail elision algorithms with little noticeable difference in image
    quality during visualization of complex models.


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