“Galerkin radiosity: a higher order solution method for global illumination” by Zatz

  • ©Harold R. Zatz




    Galerkin radiosity: a higher order solution method for global illumination



    This paper presents an alternative radiosity formulation using piecewise
    smooth radiance functions that incorporates curved surfaces directly. Using the Galerkin integral equation technique as a mathematical foundation,
    surface radiance functions are approximated by polynomials. This model
    eliminates the need for a posteriori rendering interpolation, and allows the
    direct use of non-planar parametric surfaces. Convergence problems due to
    singularities in the radiosity kernel are analyzed and rectified, and sources
    of approximation error are examined. The incorporation of a shadow masking technique vastly reduces the need for meshing and associated storage
    space—accurate radiosity calculations can often be made with no meshing.
    The technique is demonstrated on traditional radiosity scenes, as well as
    environments with untessellated curved surfaces


    1. Daniel Baum, Holly Rushmeier, and James Winget, “Improved Radiosity Solutions Through the Use of Analytically Determined Form- Factors”, Computer Graphics, 23(3), pp. 325-334, 1989.
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    9. Pat Hanrahan, David Salzman, and Larry Aupperle, “A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm”, Computer Graphics, 25(4), pp. 197-206, 1991.
    10. Paul Heckbert, Simulating Global Illumination Using Adaptive Meshing, Report No. UCB/CSD 91/636, University of California, Berkeley, 1991.
    11. Paul Heckbert and James Winget, Finite Element Methods for Global Illumination, Report No. UCB/CSD 91/643, University of California, Berkeley, 1991.
    12. Paul Heckbert, “Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity”, Third Eurographics Worshop on Rendering Bristol, UK, May 1992.
    13. Dani Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, and Donald Greenberg, “Discontinuity Meshing for Accurate Radiosity”, IEEE CG&A, 12(6), Nov. 1992.
    14. Nelson Max and Michael Allison, “Linear Radiosity Approximations using Vertex-to-Vertex Form Factors”, Graphics Gems III, Academic Press, 1992, p. 319
    15. Tomoyuki Nishita and Eihachiro Nakamae, “Continuous Tone Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects Taking Account of Shadows and Interreflection”, Computer Graphics, 19(3), 1985, pp. 23-30.
    16. Starbase Radiosity and Ray Tracing Programmer’s Manual Hewlett Packard Co., USA, 1990.
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    18. E.M. Sparrow, “Application of Variational Methods to Radiation Heat- Transfer Calculations”, Journal of Heat Transfer, November 1960, pp. 375-380.
    19. E.M. Sparrow and R. D. Cess, Radiation Heat Transfer–Augmented Edition, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, 1978.
    20. Filippo Tampieri and Dani Lischinski, “The Constant Radiosity Assumption Syndrome”, in the Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Barcelona, 1991.
    21. John Wallace, Kells Elmquist, Eric Haines, “A Ray Tracing Algorithm for Progressive Radiosity”, Computer Graphics, 23(3), 1989, pp. 315- 324.
    22. Harold Zatz, Galerkin Radiosity: A Higher Order Solution Method for Global Illumination, Master’s Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1992.

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