“Tangible interaction + graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling” by Anderson, Frankel, Marks, Agarwala, Beardsley, et al. …

  • ©David C. Anderson, James L. Frankel, Joe Marks, Aseem Agarwala, Paul Beardsley, Jessica K. Hodgins, Darren Leigh, Kathy Ryall, Eddie Sullivan, and Jonathan S. Yedidia




    Tangible interaction + graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling



    Construction toys are a superb medium for geometric models. We argue that such toys, suitably instrumented or sensed, could be the inspiration for a new generation of easy-to-use, tangible modeling systems—especially if the tangible modeling is combined with graphical-interpretation techniques for enhancing nascent models automatically. The three key technologies needed to realize this idea are embedded computation, vision-based acquisition, and graphical interpretation. We sample these technologies in the context of two novel modeling systems: physical building blocks that self-describe, interpret, and decorate the structures into which they are assembled; and a system for scanning, interpreting, and animating clay figures.


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