“The power particle-in-cell method” by Qu, Li, Goes and Jiang

  • ©Ziyin Qu, Minchen Li, Fernando de Goes, and Chenfanfu Jiang




    The power particle-in-cell method



    This paper introduces a new weighting scheme for particle-grid transfers that generates hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian fluid simulations with uniform particle distributions and precise volume control. At its core, our approach reformulates the construction of Power Particles [de Goes et al. 2015] by computing volume-constrained density kernels. We employ these optimized kernels as particle domains within the Generalized Interpolation Material Point method (GIMP) in order to incorporate Power Particles into the Particle-In-Cell framework, hence the name the Power Particle-In-Cell method. We address the construction of volume-constrained density kernels as a regularized optimal transportation problem and describe an iterative solver based on localized Gaussian convolutions that leads to a significant performance speedup compared to [de Goes et al. 2015]. We also present novel extensions for handling free surfaces and solid obstacles that bypass the need for cell clipping and ghost particles. We demonstrate the advantages of our transfer weights by improving hybrid schemes for fluid simulation such as the Fluid Implicit Particle (FLIP) method and the Affine Particle-In-Cell (APIC) method with volume preservation and robustness to varying particle-per-cell ratio, while retaining low numerical dissipation, conserving linear and angular momenta, and avoiding particle reseeding or post-process relaxations.


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