“A new Voronoi-based surface reconstruction algorithm” by Amenta, Bern and Kamvysselis

  • ©Nina Amenta, Marshall Bern, and Manolis Kamvysselis




    A new Voronoi-based surface reconstruction algorithm



    We describe our experience with a new algorithm for the reconstruction of surfaces from unorganized sample points in IR3. The algorithm is the first for this problem with provable guarantees. Given a “good sample” from a smooth surface, the output is guaranteed to be topologically correct and convergent to the original surface as the sampling density increases. The definition of a good sample is itself interesting: the required sampling density varies locally, rigorously capturing the intuitive notion that featureless areas can be reconstructed from fewer samples. The output mesh interpolates, rather than approximates, the input points. Our algorithm is based on the three-dimensional Voronoi diagram. Given a good program for this fundamental subroutine, the algorithm is quite easy to implement.


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