“Character generation under grid constraints” by Hersch

  • ©Roger D. Hersch




    Character generation under grid constraints



    An original and fast filling algorithm based on vertical scan line sweep and contour tracking of a presorted shape description allows filling of character shapes with real subpixel resolution. Identical parts of a character lying at a different phase in respect to the grid will have a dissimilar discrete look. Grid constraints are applied in order to force given parts of a character (stems, serifs) to attain identical phasing. So that several contraints may be applied, degrees of freedom are provided in the form of stretchable null-segments inserted at particular locations in the character outline description. Grid constraints are also applied to avoid discrete arcs with an isolated pixel or a long horizontal or vertical run. The type of constraints applied to parts of a character consists only of horizontal or vertical subpixel translations. The resulting character description therefore remains nearly identical to the original description. The processing time used to apply grid constraints is negligible, compared with the time needed for character scan-conversion and filling. Hence, this method is very well adapted for direct character generation on non-impact printers. It is also suitable for character rasterization in typographic computer-aided design systems.


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