“iLamps: geometrically aware and self-configuring projectors” by Raskar, van Baar, Beardsley, Willwacher, Rao, et al. …

  • ©Ramesh Raskar, Jeroen van Baar, Paul Beardsley, Thomas Willwacher, Srinivas Rao, and Clifton Forlines




    iLamps: geometrically aware and self-configuring projectors



    Projectors are currently undergoing a transformation as they evolve from static output devices to portable, environment-aware, communicating systems. An enhanced projector can determine and respond to the geometry of the display surface, and can be used in an ad-hoc cluster to create a self-configuring display. Information display is such a prevailing part of everyday life that new and more flexible ways to present data are likely to have significant impact. This paper examines geometrical issues for enhanced projectors, relating to customized projection for different shapes of display surface, object augmentation, and co-operation between multiple units.We introduce a new technique for adaptive projection on nonplanar surfaces using conformal texture mapping. We describe object augmentation with a hand-held projector, including interaction techniques. We describe the concept of a display created by an ad-hoc cluster of heterogeneous enhanced projectors, with a new global alignment scheme, and new parametric image transfer methods for quadric surfaces, to make a seamless projection. The work is illustrated by several prototypes and applications.


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