“Two-scale particle simulation” by Solenthaler and Gross

  • ©Barbara Solenthaler and Markus Gross




    Two-scale particle simulation



    We propose a two-scale method for particle-based fluids that allocates computing resources to regions of the fluid where complex flow behavior emerges. Our method uses a low- and a high-resolution simulation that run at the same time. While in the coarse simulation the whole fluid is represented by large particles, the fine level simulates only a subset of the fluid with small particles. The subset can be arbitrarily defined and also dynamically change over time to capture complex flows and small-scale surface details. The low- and high-resolution simulations are coupled by including feedback forces and defining appropriate boundary conditions. Our method offers the benefit that particles are of the same size within each simulation level. This avoids particle splitting and merging processes, and allows the simulation of very large resolution differences without any stability problems. The model is easy to implement, and we show how it can be integrated into a standard SPH simulation as well as into the incompressible PCISPH solver. Compared to the single-resolution simulation, our method produces similar surface details while improving the efficiency linearly to the achieved reduction rate of the particle number.


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